
Tuesday 29 September 2015

Michael Veitch's One Man Show

Reviews of Michael Veitch's one man show about WWII airmen have come from no lesser experts than Odd Bods members and those reviews have been very positive. Michael's brilliance as a writer and performer are highlighted in the show called Flak which is touring Australia this year.

"There are few storytellers in Australia like Michael Veitch. He puts humanity and wry observation into the terrible arithmetic of air warfare.  His personal mission to honour the memory and the memories of the last of a generation who bear a remarkable witness is a special kind of theatrical experience." Dr Mark Williams, Adjunct Professor, School of Art, RMIT University

Michael is on a very intensive tour of regional areas with around 20 opportunities to view his show during October in Tasmania, South Australia, and Victoria. Details are available on the Regional Arts Victoria website.

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