
Friday 25 September 2015

Well The Time Has Come.....

Well The Time Has Come.....
So started the final speech by Secretary and Founder of the Odd Bods, George Smith, at a meeting on 16th September at ANZAC House to wind up the Odd Bods.
George paid tribute to the guidance of three original “elder statesmen”, Padre David Beyer, Padre John McNamara, and Bob Way who was the representative of the YMCA embedded in the RAAF in the UK.

George recalled the original meeting of the Odd Bods in August 1954 when David Beyer was elected President and made the observation that – “In forming the Association as we have, we have sounded its death knell at its birth”. “We are here today to recognise that fact” said George.

The guidance from those early days was that the Association should be a responsible member of the community, just as each member should be. That was the beginning of the Associations charitable work. George recalled the days of association with the Berry St. Babies Home and the regular family outings at which the children and nurses were entertained by Odd Bods.

George went on to say that the Association had been successful because of the calibre of the men who served on its committee over the years. He said that there were differences of opinion at times but the participants would simply agree to disagree and move on. He found it very pleasing that the Odd Bods were held in such high esteem throughout the ex-service community in Melbourne and Victoria.

George paid tribute to the wives and families of Odd Bods. He said that their acceptance and understanding of the need to continue (Pressing on Remembering) had made the process so much easier.

In a playful dig at President Walter Eacott, George referred to the Odd Bods as a multi cultural group, even prepared to receive members of the Royal Air Force into “our colonial ranks”. And finally, on a more serious note, he paid special tribute to Walter – “We have benefited from his leadership, his loyalty, and hard work over many years.”

A round of applause greeted both George and Walter. The significance of this meeting had not been lost on any of the participants.

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