
Tuesday 29 September 2015

Staying On Course

Ernest Wilson was a navigator with British Commonwealth Pacific Airlines after the war on DC 6 aircraft. He has passed on a number of stories to us and this one caught our fancy -  

A dear 80 year old lady was flying for the first time, and in the middle of the night was worried that we might get lost as we could not see where we were going. Neville was the Captain and he sat beside her and explained how we find our way.
“You see that flashing green light on the wingtip outside the window; that is on our starboard side, and on the other side there is a flashing red light on the port side. So long as those lights are flashing, we know that we are right on course.”

She complimented Neville in the morning because she had watched the flashing light during the night and we had been on course all the time. 


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