
Sunday 1 November 2015

Bomber Command Interview Request

George Smith received the following email from a Mr.Adam Purcell seeking contact with Bomber Command veterans - 

The IBCC Bomber Command Digital Archive
The International Bomber Command Centre (IBCC), currently under development in Lincolnshire in the UK, aims to become a world-class facility to serve as a point of recognition, remembrance and reconciliation for Bomber Command. The completed Centre, cheduled to open in 2016, will consist of:
  . a Memorial Spire (recently erected) and walls of names of those who lost their lives serving in Bomber Command;
  . an Interpretation Centre to house exhibition, information and education facilities; and
  . Peace Gardens and sculpture parks

The Lincolnshire Bomber Command Memorial Trust, which is developing the Centre, is also establishing a Bomber Command Digital Archive. This aims to become the most comprehensive source for Bomber Command information in the world.

As part of the Digital Archive a large-scale oral history project is underway, in conjunction with the University of Lincoln, to try and collect as many different Bomber Command voices as possible. The resulting interviews will be used to tell the stories that will feature in the Centre’s
exhibitions and displays, as well as forming a valuable resource in its own right for future research.

I am a volunteer interviewer for the IBCC’s Digital Archive and I would like to invite you to be
interviewed about your Bomber Command experiences as part of the project. Your voice would be recorded and the recording would become part of the Archive in perpetuity.

The Digital Archive is also interested in collecting photographs, scrap books, log books, letters
and any other associated memorabilia. Original documents will be scanned and returned to their
owner and the resulting digital copies will be made available in the Archive.

You can find more information about the International Bomber Command Centre on the website:

While the statistics and the overall Bomber Command narrative are reasonably well known, it’s
personal stories that will ensure that the memories of the people who contributed to it live on.
The Bomber Command Digital Archive will be a very significant record of the personal stories
behind the Bomber Command experience, and your contribution would be a valuable addition to

If you would like to be involved, please get in touch:  

. Email:
. Mobile: 0405 003 312
. Post: 4/16-18 Goble St Niddrie, VIC 3042
I’d love to hear your story!

Best wishes,
Adam Purcell

Bomber Command Digital Archive

International Bomber Command Centre

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