
Wednesday 4 May 2016

An Invitation to the FOB Annual General Meeting

         The AGM of Friends of the Odd Bods Association Inc. is coming up on Sunday 22nd May at 1400hrs and you are welcome to attend.
          All current committee members have made themselves available for re-election however if you are interested in nominating for a position on the committee, nominations may be made in advance by contacting Peter Randell (
          We are keen to seek the involvement of more members, so if you are available it would be great to see you there.  If you can’t make it but believe you can contribute in some other way, please let us know.

          A copy of the agenda is shown below. A member may appoint another member as a proxy for the meeting and you do that by completing a proxy form. Just click on the tab at the top of this page marked "AGM Proxy" and print it out.

Friends of The Odd Bods Association Inc.
Annual General Meeting
Meeting Date:  Sunday, May 22nd at 2:00pm
At Malvern East RSL, Stanley Grose Drive, Malvern east

A G E N D A  

1. Opening and Ode

2. Present 

3. Apologies

4. Previous Minutes 

5. Business Arising
                      5.1      Election of Office Bearers
                      5.2      Newsletter/Website  
                      5.2      Linkages to Other Organisations/Events
                      5.3      Annual Fees
                      5.4      Membership   
6. Treasurer’s Statement

7. Activities Statement
8. New Business

9.        Meeting Close

Date And Time Of Next Meeting

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