
Sunday 16 October 2016

Presidents Message

Dear Friends,

It is that time of year when we call upon your generosity of heart to support you Association, by renewing your subscription and enjoy the collegiality of other Friends at the Annual Ladies luncheon at Amora Hotel, Riverwalk, Richmond on Friday 4 November.

Your committee has been active this year with regular quarterly meetings organizing those events that carry on the tradition of Pressing on Remembering, and at the AGM on 22 May the existing executive and committee were re-elected.

The Anzac Day march and lunch was the highlight with our patron Air Vice Marshall Peter Scully RAAF Retired as guest speaker and Walter Eacott paying tribute to George Smith, and also having  co-authored George’s Obituary that appeared in The Age in March 2016, which immortalized the ‘Smith Hug’. George’s contributions to the Odd Bods will be perpetuated in the George Smith Award to be presented at the Wesley College Anzac Day service to the year 10 student who is judged to have written the best essay about the Anzac Spirit

The Friends were also represented at two functions at the Shrine; Victory in Europe Day, featuring our vice-president Terry Maher on 8 May and the Battle of Britain 76th Anniversary on 22 September.

So support your Association dig deep and renew your subscription and join us at the lunch on 4 November


Sqn Ldr Bruce P Waxman RAAF Retired


Friends of the Odd Bods Association Inc.
October 2016

PS – Veteran members and widows do not pay a subscription.

See Tab at the top of this page for  Combined November Luncheon Application and Subscription Form.

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