
Saturday 18 February 2017

A Tree, Two Brass Plaques, And Two Glasses Of Spiced Rum

At first glance it might seem like a strange combination in this photo although it all make sense to Friends of the Odd Bods Association, Secretary, Peter Randell.

One of the plaques is in honour of  Peter’s Dad and it is
located under a Rowan tree on the drive into the Yorkshire Air Museum. It was placed there by his old bomb group leader, Ken Dean who passed away last year. Peter’s mate and FOTOBA member, Bryan Wilcockson recently put a similar plaque under the tree for Ken and part of the maintenance of the site involves polishing the brass, giving the tree a water and occasionally a tot of spiced rum which was Ken’s favourite.

It all makes perfect sense and illustrates a great way to remember two special people.

Loved the story “A Tree, Two Brass Plaques, And Two Glasses Of Spiced Rum”. For the keen gardeners amongst you, I always fertilize the magical Rowan on the ratio of ‘one for the tree and one for me’ - Bryan Wilcockson 

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