
Thursday 6 April 2017

Correspondence Received

Friends Of Odd Bods Inc.                                                                March 2017
Thank you for your information re Annual Reunion on Anzac Day, also information re march.
I am unable to attend either functions as I am now 86 years old.
I have always attended the dawn service at Chelsea, but this year I will attend the service which is held in the village where I live.
Best Wishes to you all,
Yours Sincerely,
Mabel Arnold

Thanks for keeping in touch Mabel. We are pleased that you are able to continue the tradition of attending an Anzac Day service. – Best wishes from the Friends.

Friends Of The Odd Bods                                                                26/3/2017
Dear Friends,
          I recently received notification from the French Embassy in Canberra that I was to be awarded the Legion of Honour.
          As requested, the medal arrived by post on 21/3/17 and is resting proudly alongside my other medals. To say I am pleased and honoured would be an understatement.
Yours Sincerely,
M.F.Sanders DFC.

An honour indeed. It is great to see Odd Bods being recognised for their service. Well done. Thank you for keeping in touch. Best wishes from the Friends.

Email Received                                                             24/3/2017
Thanks so much for your letter and attachments and are much appreciated indeed – sure you can put me on your email mailing list.
Once again over the years I will be marching at Geelong where I live – but for the last couple of years or so I am the only ex RAAF WW11 in our contingent –  to me it is rather unique for me to be the only bod behind the banner, but as long as I am able I will keep proudly marching for my many mates.
Thanks again for your interest.
John Ireland

Thank you John. Excellent that you can keep on marching. We’ve added you to our email list. Best wishes from the Friends

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