
Thursday 27 April 2017

Odd Bod Features In Herald Sun Article

Gerald McPherson featured in an article in Melbourne's Herald Sun on Monday in the lead up to Anzac Day.
The following reference was made to Gerald -

It was Gerald McPherson's 37th flight in a rattling old bomber in his role as a rear gunner - and almost his last.
Nine months into his tour of duty, his plane was caught in the searchlights high above enemy territory.
the pilots threw the plane around like a fighter plane in a bid to get out of sight, back into the dark skyabove Kiel, a major naval base in Germany's north.
"The pilot put the plane nose down; we dived over the North Sea," Mr. McPherson said. "I looked below and suddenly I saw two gunners in another bomber looking straight back at me.
"That's how close we came to a midair collision.
"to this day I have never forgotten it. We shouldn't have been there in the first place and we almost didn't make it back."

Thanks to Peter Randell for the photos.

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