
Wednesday 30 August 2017

Happy Birthday Odd Bods Style

One of the wonderful traditions held by the Odd Bods is the posting of hand written Birthday Cards to wives and widows of veterans.

It was a tradition started in the early days of the Odd Bods, by Shirley Smith, wife of Odd Bods founder George Smith, and carried on down through the years.

Remembering birthdays requires a system. A diary and an information book are just two of the tools held by Lorna Fitch who is the current Birthday Card scribe.

The information book includes details of past cards and events in the lives of each recipient usually gleaned from their written replies. Lorna sends out about 100 cards per year and recalls a number of wonderful exchanges with recipients either via phone calls or letter.

In today’s digital world a hand written card can have special meaning.  It is all part of keeping in touch. Lorna feels it is now time to pass on the baton and if you, or someone you know, would like to take on this worthwhile task we would love to hear from you.

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