
Wednesday 2 August 2017

Having A Dig - Air Force Style

Having A Dig 1.
I recall an old Navigator at an Ansett pilot retirement function putting heaps on the pilots landings.
The pilot then told the story that they crewed together on Wellingtons early in the War when pigeons in cages were carried in case of ditching.
This cage resided between the Pilot and Nav, and after ditching the survivors would write a note, fasten it to the pigeons leg and it would flap on home to Base.
Strangely enough that is true.
Story has it that outbound to Germany one night the Navigator slowly and nervously drew a track line on the chart.
Looking up he noticed the pigeon slowly shake its head sideways.

--The Nav drew another track line !.

Having A Dig 2.

Thanks to Ken Broomhead for these gems.

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