
Wednesday 9 August 2017

Peter Scully Interviews – Peter Isaacson

AVM Peter Scully (Rtd) has recorded a number of excellent interviews with veterans over the years. The interviews cover various aspects of wartime including initial sign-up, training, war experiences and returning home.

Peter Scully’s conversational style adds a wonderful element to the interviews. His own knowledge of wartime events means he inevitably asks the right questions and reveals real insight into the experiences of war – both good and bad, happy and sad.

This first interview is with Peter Isaacson AM, DFC, AFC, DFM. Peter’s story starts with his school years and his first job with a newspaper which was to translate later in life to a publishing career. He goes on to talk about training as a Pilot in Canada, and various wartime stories including how his crew used to bet on who got closest to the target on bombing raids.

There is much to read here and the full story can be found by clicking on this link – Peter Isaacson Story.

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