
Thursday 2 November 2017

Passing The Baton With Birthday Cards

Lorna Fitch has done a remarkable job of keeping up an Odd Bods tradition of sending out birthday cards to wives and widows of Odd Bods. 

This process was started by Shirley Smith (wife of Odd Bods Founder George Smith) back in 1973 and then taken on by current Friends Of The Odd Bods member Jean Smith in 1994 before Lorna became involved in around 2012.

Lorna has now asked to pass the baton on to a younger generation and we are very pleased to advise that Anne Jones and Willa Whitewolf will be sharing the honour with Willa telling us that her sister Amy will also help out. Our photo shows Lorna and Anne during the handover.

During the handover we were able to view the collection of correspondence and record books that have accumulated over the years and from pages of the "Birthday Book" we thought these words written by Shirley Smith more than 25 years ago were worth recording.

Our thanks to Anne Jones and Willa Whitewolf for helping us to maintain the Odd Bods motto - "Pressing on.... remembering."

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