
Tuesday 8 May 2018

VE Day 2018 At The Shrine Of Remembrance

Victory in Europe Day has been celebrated at Melbourne's Shrine of Remembrance with a strong showing from Friends Of The Odd Bods Association and the key address by Odd Bod Jack Bell.

Jack is shown with the heads of the armed forces in our lead photo. The service was held in bright sunshine on The Shrine forecourt and enhanced by the military precision of the Shrine Guard, and the Navy Band. Special guests included military personnel, the French Consul, and representatives of the RSL and various associations.

Jack Bell at The Eternal Flame
Jack Bell's speech was heavy on fascinating detail from his war experiences, including his time as a POW, and his emphasis on the importance of compassion even in association with the enemy. Jack commented on the high level of interest shown by young Australian during his recent attendance at school services including the Wesley ANZAC service.

Representatives from Friends of the Odd Bods included Faye & Gerald McPherson, Maurie Smith, Jan Dimmick, Gary Elliot, and Greg Smith. Jan Dimmick once again prepared the Odd Bods wreath to be laid at the Eternal Flame. Jan selects flowers to match the colours of our banner which is a nice touch.
Wreaths for Bomber Command (On left)
and Friends of the Odd Bods at the Eternal Flame.

It was generally agreed that Shrine staff excelled in presenting a wonderful service on the day.

VE Day at St. Pauls Cathedral London 8th May 1945

Friday 4 May 2018

Stories of Odd Bods

In the column on the left of this page you will find a new entry under Stories of Odd Bods- Service Life of John Wilson Bourchier. Click on that link to go to John's story. 

His family have been good enough to send us information for publishing on this website and you may have a similar story of an Odd Bod, or your own story, that we can treat the same way. 

Stories tucked away in family drawers are fine but sharing with others, and recording for future generations, can make a lot of sense.

All we need is a story in some sort of digital format, perhaps a Word.doc, and preferably some photos. Feel free to contact Greg Smith if you would like to discuss further.
Greg Smith 0406222020 or email

2018 Battle Of Britain Commemoration – Hobart

Our Patron, AVM Peter Scully (ret) has sent us details of the Battle of Britain Commemoration program to be conducted in Hobart 14th -16th September 2018. 

This comprehensive list of activities will no doubt be well supported by participants from all around Australia and details are available below.

Articles Worth A Read

Assembling the Mighty Eighth (Assembling an aerial armada) -
Thanks to Ken Broomhead for this link.

The Imperial War Museum’s Battle of Britain Airshow – September 2017
Another link from Ken Broomhead.

International Bomber Command Centre – this is a link to the website and the fascinating stories of people and places associated with Bomber Command -
Thanks to Wendy Dean for the link.