
Thursday 25 April 2019

ANZAC March & Reunion 2019 Photos

(L-R) Doug Parry, Frank Sims, Maurie Smith, Joe Shuttleworth,
Jim Mitchell, Jan Dimmick, Alan Couper.

Our veterans get the top billing on this collection of photos (and rightly so) but ANZAC Day 2019 turned on great weather, great memories, and many heartfelt discussions as we all joined to remember those who had passed and all those who contributed to the amazing stories of Australian Airmen and Women in WW2.

The following is just a small sample from the day. We hope you enjoy them, and encourage you to send us your photos for inclusion.

The Odd Bods march into view and you might
notice a few eyes turned to the heavens which
will make sense with the next photo.
Many thanks to our wonderful banner bearers
from Wesley.
And we simply could not get along with
our reliable drivers Vin and Mohit
 from 13 CABS.
Our President Bruce Waxman opens
 proceedings at the luncheon.
Some very wise words and encouragement
from our Patron AVM Peter Scully (Rtd)
Gary Elliot, Jim Mitchell, Peter Randell, and
Joe Shuttleworth enjoying the discussions.
Frank Sims was captured by an
ABC TV crew after the March

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