
Monday 3 June 2019

Bomber Command Commemorative 2019

The Bomber Command Commemorative Service was held at the Shrine on Sunday 2nd June 2019 with Friends of the Odd Bods Association member, Wing Commander Mike Oram, as Guest Speaker. Mike is the Son of Odd Bod Johnny Oram.

Mike has been kind enough to let us publish his speech and you are urged to read the fascinating account of his Father's war story which can be described as a chilling account of the immense danger and huge sacrifices made by Australian Airmen. You can find the full text here - -

Attendees on the day included Jack Bell, Gerald McPherson, and Jan Dimmick who delivered the reading "Place of Ghosts". Thanks to President, Bruce Waxman, for the photos.

Guest Speaker Wing Commander Mike Oram

Jack Bell & Gerald McPherson
Jan Dimmick
Harvard Flyover

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