
Saturday 14 September 2019

Odd Bods At Battle of Britain Commemorations Hobart

The National Battle of Britain Commemorations (Gathering of Eagles) are being held in Hobart 13 -15 September 2019. Our Patron, AVM Peter Scully (Rtd) has been joined by FOTOBAI President Bruce Waxman, and Committee Member Jennifer Hibbens.
President Bruce Waxman,
and Jennifer Hibbens

Jennifer Hibbens, Air Marshall Mel Hapfield
 AO, DSC, Chief of Air Force, Marjorie
Fitzpatrick and AVM Peter Scully (Rtd)

Following the commemorations an exhibition is being staged at the RAAF Museum, 61 Davey St. Hobart with the theme “Australian Airmen in the European theatre WW2”. If you happen to be in Hobart in the near future, make sure you check it out.

From fragile beginnings to the War in Europe
Over 30% of all the battle fatalities in the Second World War,
across the Army, Navy and Air Force were Australian Airmen in Europe.
What was behind this frightening statistic??
In this exhibition, selected objects and their associated stories from the Royal Australian Air Force Museum (Tasmania),aim to provide some insight into this question…

Some more photos -
Peter Scully presents prologue.
Fly over Hobart

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