
Tuesday 11 February 2020

Date Set For Odd Bods Plaque Dedication Canberra

Plaque in its wrapping, soon to be unveiled.

As previously advised, Odd Bods are to get their own bronze plaque in the grounds of the Australian War Memorial in Canberra, and we now have a date - the dedication ceremony is happening at 10:00am on Saturday 14th March 2020 in the Captain Reg Saunders Courtyard.

The Guest List includes representatives from RAAF including Chief of Air Force, representatives from AWM including Dr. Brendan Nelson, representatives from RAAFA, Bomber Command Association, the RSL, and of course a contingent from Friends of the Odd Bods including veterans. The RAAF Band will attend.

Recognition of the Odd Bods at Australia’s National War Memorial follows a campaign over many years.  FOTOBAI members and their families are invited to attend this very special occasion and encouraged to contact committee members if they have any questions or need assistance.

Commemorative Plaque Dedication Ceremony
in recognition of the service and sacrifice of members of the
Odd Bods Association - RAAF
10.00 hrs Saturday 14 March 2020
Captain Reg Saunders Courtyard
Australian War Memorial - Canberra ACT

Tuesday 4 February 2020

Odd Bods Support For Disadvantaged Children

Friends of the Odd Bods financially support 3 students receiving special help from the Ryder Cheshire organisation in India. This continues a tradition set up by the founders of the Odd Bods (UK) Association.
Ryder Cheshire keep us informed of the students progress and here are the latest reports.

Dear Odd Bods (UK) Association, 
From us all here at Raphael, we wish you a very
happy and peaceful Christmas. Thank you again for
your much appreciated support of Abbas Asma and
Sarthak. The following are their six monthly reports 
which we hope you will find of interest.

Abbas reads and writes short words and can answer questions by pointing to a chart. He can now write numbers up to 70 from memory. He counts objects (for example, beads) up to 50 and can group them into Tens, which helps him understand numbers and maths in a conceptual way. He can identify English alphabet letters from A to M. He writes his name from memory and copies his father’s name. Abbas is currently being trained in domestic activities.

9-year-old Asma goes to the local primary                    school. She enjoys being in class and the teacher
says she has shown improvement both
academically and cognitively. The teacher helps
her maintain her posture and keeps reminding
her to sit straight.

Sarthak is learning to throw waste-paper or
wrappers in the dustbin. He can identify
kitchen items. He is also extending his social
skills and now greets others. He loves to sit in
the sun during the winter season. He never
says no to food and occasionally takes out a
lunchbox from a classmate’s bag and finishes it
before they realise! He loves to dance and sing
in music class.

Sunday 2 February 2020

Lancasters In Flight

Nice view of between the two airworthy Lancasters flying in Europe.