
Monday 20 April 2020

An ANZAC Post From Our Patron

AVM Peter Scully AO RAAF (Rtd), Patron of Friends of the Odd Bods Association Inc. has sent us this post as we prepare for ANZAC Day in unusual circumstances.

"I would just like to convey best wishes to all for this ANZAC DAY.  It is most regrettable we will be able to meet but I’m sure we will all be there in our thoughts and offer our thanks & appreciation for all those who were involved in that great battle for freedom during WW2.

However, I extend my thanks & appreciation to all members f the ‘Friends’.  Your efforts in keeping these precious memories alive is a vital and most creditable  ongoing endeavour.  The memories of all those Odd Bods – their service and sacrifices must never be allowed to fade away.

You are the only real protector of that history.   Your recent successful efforts to achieve the addition of the plaque in the AWM was a wonderful achievement :  well done!

I am so honoured to be your Patron – hearty congratulations and very best wishes.   Pressing On, Remembering


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