
Wednesday 8 July 2020

New Medallion To Celebrate 75th Anniversary of War Ending

On 1st July this year the Department of Veterans’ Affairs announced it will produce a Commemorative Medallion and Certificate of Commemoration to acknowledge the significance of the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War.

The medallion and certificate will be made available to every living veteran of the Second World War.

Full details can be found here -  COMMEMORATIVE MEDALLION

PS - One of our members has praised the introduction of this medal to celebrate a significant anniversary but wonders why it only applies to living veterans. They argue that the service of deceased veterans was just as relevant and many families would like to honour the occasion.
Maybe the certificate component at least could be extended to all veterans, past and present? What do you think? - Ed

COMMENTS: From our Facebook page - 28/7/2020
Peter Smith
Dead or alive they did their service, they all earned this medal

Rosemaree Matta
I would love to have one in honour of my Dad's service.

Murray Trigg
Me too Cath X

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