
Friday 14 August 2020

One In A Million – Wall Of Respect - Recognising WW2 Veterans On A Special Day

The Federal Government has launched a One In A Million campaign to coincide with the 75th anniversary of Victory In The Pacific Day on 15th August 2020.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the campaign is a way for every generation of Australians to learn about our veterans and also about their own family history.

 “From the declaration of war in 1939, to the long awaited words of Prime Minister Ben Chifley, “the war is over” on 15 August 1945, almost one million Australians served in the Second World War,” Mr Morrison said.

 “This service was at a time when our national population was only seven million people, making their story truly remarkable, and their service and sacrifice something we should never forget.”

 Australians can participate in the #OneInAMillion: Wall of Respect project by posting to their social media an image of them holding a photo of a family member who served in the Second World War, with the hashtag #OneInAMillion.

 Friends of the Odd Bods who don’t have a social media connection can send photos direct to us and we will post on the association’s Facebook page. Please include the name of the veteran and the name of the holder with the photo.

 Shrine of Remembrance Service – VP Day

The Melbourne Shrine will be conducting a commemorative broadcast on Saturday 15th August at 11:20am. The service will not be open to public attendance but it will be live streamed from the Shrine via their website and facebook page. The broadcast commences at 11:20 and continues until 12 noon.

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