
Saturday 30 January 2021

Top Ten Iconic RAAF Aircraft - Great Videos

In the lead up to 31st March 2021, the official Centenary date for the RAAF, the Air Force is revealing its Top Ten Iconic Aircraft -  one each week.

Two aircraft have been revealed so far. We suggest you click on the photos to be taken to be taken to a website with a fascinating explanatory video.

Number 10 - F/A-18A/B Hornet - "a true icon of our skies that's given us nearly 35 years of service, the F/A-18A/B “Classic” Hornet."

Number 9 - S.E.5A - When the Royal Australian Air Force was formed on 31 March 1921, the S.E.5A was part of Britain’s imperial gift to help establish our new organisation. As our first fighter aircraft, Australian aircrews flew the S.E.5A in combat during World War I before its transition into a crucial training platform during the 1920s.

Odd Bods Sponsouring Three Students India.


Friends of the Odd Bods continue an Odd Bods tradition of sponsouring students at Raphael, the Ryder Cheshire Home located at Dehradun, Northern India.

Here are the latest reports on our three charges.

Asma - Asma is doing well and has learnt to use the smart phone on her own. She sometimes connects with her teacher independently for her sessions. She has learnt to add upto Rs10/- with small denominations of Rs 1, Rs2 and Rs 5. She also knows a packet of her favourite chips costs Rs 10 and will gives you Rs10 from a pile of coins to buy her a packet of chips. 

Sarthak Belwal - Sarthak has been at Raphael for the last five years and is 17 years old now. He has been home with his family for the last 10 months. He enjoys looking at pictures and playing with a ball. He attends the online classes regularly and has learnt to convey his needs and interest by gestures. He enjoys listening to music.

Abbas Hussain Zaidi - Abbas is 14 years old and has been at

Raphael for the last five years. Abbas takes an interest in reading and writing and is always eager to help others. He has been home with his family since the lockdown was imposed in March 20 and has been attending online teaching sessions regularly. He has been very well behaved at home. He is non-verbal and uses gestures to communicate and has in fact taught his siblings a few gestures and signs to indicate his needs and they now understand what he is trying to express. After his online session, he goes to help in a cycle repair shop close to his house.

Monday 18 January 2021

Harrowing Halifax Story

2021 is the year we celebrate the Centenary of the RAAF and the Australian War Museum has published an incredible WW2 story of one Halifax’s unlikely return home after sustaining major damage in a raid near Paris in June 1944.

The aircraft was badly shot-up, some crewmembers had bailed out in anticipation of a crash landing, but it managed to limp home. 

The story has led to the argument that Halifax’s were unjustly tagged as “bride’s maid” to the Lancaster when their resilience deserved higher praise. Interestingly, it is reported that the survival rate for aircrew shot down over Germany was significantly higher from Halifax aircraft and apparently their wider fuselage, and escape hatch locations were key.

The AWM article can be found here, and if you would like to read more on the Lancaster/Halifax rivalry you might like to check this article – Halifax or Lancaster. 

464 Squadron RAAF To Be Re-formed

Member, Philip Moss, has advised us that with effect from 1/1/2021 the RAAF will re-establish No.464 Squadron, one of its WW2 squadrons.

Bombing up a 464 Squadron Mosquito.

The squadron was originally formed on 1 September 1942 at RAF Feltwell, Norfolk in the United Kingdom, as an Article XV squadron under the Empire Air Training Scheme. Although an RAAF squadron it included personnel from Australia, Britain, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa and the Netherlands.

In 1943 No. 464 Squadron was transferred from RAF Bomber Command to the Second Tactical Air Force and its Venture aircraft were replaced with De Havilland Mosquitoes.

The squadron undertook operations over France and the Low Countries, from bases in England and also flew night fighter missions.  (Further detailsWikipedia)

Odd Bods including Stan Moss and Owen Medley served on 464 Squadron.

The headquarters of the re-formed 464SQN will be at RAAF Base Glenbrook in the Lower Blue Mountains, NSW. 

Thursday 14 January 2021

DC3 Celebrates 85 Years

 It is a month of aircraft birthdays with celebrations of the Lancaster's first flight 80 years ago on 9th January, and on 17th December DC3 recorded 85 years since it's first flight. The following video tells the DC3 story. 

Saturday 9 January 2021

Happy Birthday Lancaster Bomber

 We thought this was too important to miss - 80 years.