
Tuesday 23 February 2021

ANZAC Day Arrangements 2021 - Email From The President

Dear Friends,

            At Sunday’s FOTOBAI Committee Meeting the committee discussed a plan of action to address the ongoing uncertainty regarding ANZAC Day arrangements under Covid.

The RSL has announced that there will not be an ANZAC march in Melbourne although other Australian states have announced varied responses.

            It was agreed that we would make every effort to formalize arrangements for ANZAC Day and continue the tradition of honoring all Odd Bods at this time. FOTOBAI plans include –

                        1. A reunion luncheon will be held at Amora, Melbourne on ANZAC Day 2021. We already have a booking at Amora, although the format and size of the gathering will depend on Covid regulations operating at the time. Photographs and videos will be available online for those unable to attend.

                        2. It is unlikely that a Dawn Service or ANZAC March will take place in Melbourne however we will actively seek participation of the Odd Bods banner in whatever alternative arrangements are authorised at the Shrine.

                        3. We will examine options for inclusion in other memorial services including Wesley College.

                        3. We will conduct an online 2021 Last Post Initiative similar to 2020 in which members submit their photos and stories about ANZAC Day for publication on the FOTOBAI website – details to follow.

                        4. In the absence of a Dawn Service on ANZAC Day we anticipate driveway vigils to be observed and we will invite members to submit photographs on the day for immediate posting on our website. – details to follow.

The aim of all these measures is to honour Odd Bods in the most appropriate manner given the restrictions on gatherings imposed by Covid.

            We will keep you informed of our plans and welcome your comments. In the meantime you may wish to check in at the FOTOBAI website for recent articles including the RAAF 10 Most Iconic Aircraft list.

Best Wishes


Sqn Ldr Bruce P Waxman OAM RAAF (Rtd)


Friends Of The Odd Bods Association Inc. 

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