
Sunday 30 May 2021

Aircrew Kit In The Spotlight

One of our contacts sent us this wonderful photo of Sergeant Lincoln Orville Lynch DFM, a West Indian air gunner serving with RAF No 102 Squadron.

Sergeant Lynch's story is fascinating in its own right. He shot down a Junkers JU98 on his first mission and was awarded a DFM for his "high standard of determination and devotion to duty". You can read more in his Wikipedia entry.

But the photo caught our attention for other reasons as well. Most photographs from this era lack clarity but this one, with a bit of help from colourising, shows great detail in the aviator's kit, and that is before you get to those menacing Halifax rear guns.

We have assembled some more photos of the kit worn by bomber crews and with true impartiality included some aircraft other than the Halifax. We hope you enjoy them.

Odd Bod Bill Akers gets assistance with his gear.

Flying kit of RAAF Pilot Francis Robertson.

Lancaster Crew.

Stirling Crew.

Australian and NZ Aviators in front of Mitchell Bomber 180 Sqn.

Wireless Operator In Flying Kit.

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