
Sunday 17 October 2021

A WW2 Stealth Fighter Aircraft You Might Not Have Heard About


At Friends of the Odd Bods we are often sent photos of modern military aircraft with all their stealth like qualities but to be honest they usually go in the desk drawer while we stick to WW2 related content. On this occasion we can combine stealth and WW2 in one amazing aircraft that many of our readers will not have heard about.

The story starts back to the 1940's with Herman Goering’s request for a light bomber and fighter that was fast enough to outrun allied aircraft. One result was the Horten Ho 229, a flying wing design aircraft that was in effect the forerunner to the B-2 bomber and F-117 stealth fighter. A prototype of this aircraft actually took to the air in February 1945.

There are a number of links online if you wish to investigate this interesting aircraft further. Our particular thanks go to the folks over at who published a story this week.

And if you want a more detailed examination of the Horten including whether or not it was really a stealth fighter, this video might be of interest. -

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