
Wednesday 9 February 2022

Odd Bod Joe Shuttleworth MBE Book Launch

Odd Bod Joe Shuttleworth passed away on 10th August 2019, and a book about his war experiences (and those of his Pilot) has now been published. The book joins a growing library of fascinating WW2 accounts involving Odd Bods.

Author, Jeff Steel’s prologue is a great starting point in “Best of Time, Worst of Times” as he explains why the uncomfortable term “heroes” was indeed appropriate for WW2 airmen including Joe Shuttleworth and his pilot Tom Blackham.

Tracing the stories of two airmen and two quite different war experiences forms the basis of a fascinating book, but as with most war stories, be prepared for some harrowing descriptions.

The book is to be formally launched on Saturday 26th February at Box Hill RSL, Nelson Rd. Box Hill from 7:30pm to 10:30pm. Please let us know if you wish to attend (Email or 0406222020).

Title: Best of Times, Worst of Times: Bomber Command – Two Men – One War 

ISBN: 978-1-922488-81-7

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