
Tuesday 1 February 2022

Stories From Wing Commander Bill Kilsby MBE AFC (1923-2021)


In a previous article we reported the passing of Odd Bod, Bill Kilsby, and Bill's family have been good enough to provide us with a couple of stories written by him, including a first hand review of the iconic Canberra Bomber.

Bill's career was particularly interesting because he was one of the few Odd Bods who continued with the RAAF after WW2, and his experiences, not only of WW2, but flying during the Malayan Emergency, and the Vietnam War, meant that he built up a comprehensive list of different aircraft in his piloting credits. 

Bill's writing includes some technical explanations that thankfully he has written in an easy manner that those of us not-so-expert can understand. His accounts of refuelling whilst in the air, and some of the harrowing experiences in Canberra Bombers, make for great reading. And, if you have never heard about "Toss-bombing", here is your opportunity.

Bill's stories have been divided into two, firstly with an account of his life story, and secondly his encounter with Canberra Bombers. Links can be found below, and will be permanently available in the Stories Of Odd Bods column in the left hand column of each page.

We trust you enjoy the reading.

Wing Commander Bill Kilsby's Story

Canberra Bombers - By Wing Commander Bill Kilsby


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