
Monday 25 April 2022

ANZAC Day Odd Bods March 2022 In Pictures

 A beautiful sunny Anzac Day in Melbourne has provided the perfect backdrop to remember the sacrifices made by Australians in various theatres of conflict including WW2. The photos shown here will grow over coming days as we receive input from members.

The march up St.Kilda Rd. was conducted in bright sunshine. Here the Odd Bods are passing the Arts Centre.

Odd Bods come in view just as RAAF PC-21's fly over (click on the photo for video).

The Melbourne Shrine provides the perfect backdrop as the Odd Bods banner reaches the end of its march journey.

Friends of the Odd Bods Association President Bruce Waxman prepares to lay a wreath, kindly supplied by Jan Dimmick, at the Odd Bods tree adjacent to the Shrine.

L-R Committee Members Michael Rossiter, Steve Trask, Greg Smith, Bruce Waxman, Peter Randell, Sue Bennett. Thanks to the RAAF personnel for holding our banner.

A video extract from the ABC's TV coverage of the Melbourne March (click on the photo).

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