Saturday 25 March 2023

ANZAC March Report 1955


One of the very earliest ANZAC Day marches that involved Odd Bods was in 1955, and we have an on the spot report from then Secretary Bruce "Tich" Marshall. Here it is - 

ODDS and ENDS – May 1955

Good Roll Up For 1955 ANZAC March

120 ODD BODs Form Ranks Behind New Banner


The 1955 ANZAC Day March in Melbourne was well patronized as over 120 Odd Bod’s came along to help swell the ranks of the R.A.A.F. Section of the march.

 The ODD BODS were led by our EL PRESIDENTE – Dave Beyer – complete with dog collar and gongs but no sword – (says he is non combatant type).

The front rank looked like a hardware store with all the gongs – and the banner held down by four of the heftiest members – namely Tom Rossiter, Syd Smith, Jack Beagley, and Les James.

 As the march moved along ST.Kilda Rd., Johnny Oram did a beautiful job of ON TRACK – ON TIME – MOST OF THE TIME, case of in the groove Jack?

 Several latecomers joined in – but next year we hope to have adequate publicity for this event.

 It was gratifying to see that we did not pull the same black that 78 Squadron boobed on when they gave an “Eyes Left” as they passed the Governor’s Stand. We just pressed on rapidly – as the usual Melbourne ANZAC Day rain came down.

 Dave Beyer’s navigating of the left wheel at the Shrine was perfect – Using H 2S Dave?

 The 1955 reunion was a great success both socially and financially – Our worthy Treasurer, Bob Way, has informed me that after paying all expenses incurred we have a credit balance in the bank to the tune of £20-2-4. Not bad for first time up.

 Our thanks are due to the good ladies who signed the necessary leave passes to enable the lads to attend – Incidentally the attendance was 42 – 39 members and 3 visitors – Next “do” we want 100% increase – so get those fingers out please.

Our lead photo is from the1955 reunion. That looks like Tom Rossiter in uniform holding the banner pole, and the more observant might note the spelling mistake on the banner. In the list of aircraft Stirling is spelt Sterling. Apparently that was corrected later.

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