
Thursday 27 April 2023

George V. Smith Award Wesley College 2023

Another successful presentation of the George V Smith Award was conducted at Wesley College, Glen Waverley Campus, today. Inclement weather meant that the service was conducted in the Sports Centre rather than the usual open quadrangle.

Greg Smith presented the award on behalf of FOTOBAI and the Smith family, and congratulated Wesley on its "solemn yet uplifting service that shows immense respect for veterans". 

The George V. Smith Award for the best essay about the Spirit of ANZAC by a Wesley student was awarded to Kirwan Schoenborn. Kirwan's essay can be found in the following article and you can read the presentation speech made by Greg Smith here - Link to the FOTOBAI presentation speech.

                                                           Kirwan Schoenborn receives her award.

Gary Elliott, Greg Smith, Head of Campus Sheridan Vella, and family member Peter Smith at Wesley.

A full house of students for the Wesley ANZAC Service

Thank you to Gary Elliott for our photographs on the day.

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