
Tuesday 2 April 2024

ANZAC Day, Wesley College Commemoration Service, VE Day

Email To Members - 2/4/2024

Dear Friends,

A busy time for our association is just around the corner including the long-held tradition of getting together on ANZAC Day. Here is the diary.


Wednesday 24th April - Wesley College (Glen Waverley campus) ANZAC Commemoration Ceremony including presentation of the George V. Smith Award for the best student essay about the spirit of ANZAC. The service will take place at 11.40am in the Prest Quad (outdoors) with morning tea being served before the service at 11.00am in the Alexander Room in the Senior School. In the case of inclement weather, the service will be moved indoors to the sports stadium. All members are welcome. Please let us know if you wish to attend.


Thursday 25th April - ANZAC March and Reunion. Marchers are asked to form up at 9:45 am on Flinders St East (North side) - see map attached. ETA at the Melbourne Shrine will be around 11:20.

We have modified our reunion arrangements this year. The Reunion will still be held at Amora Riverwalk Hotel, 649 Bridge Rd. Richmond but instead of a formal luncheon with an upfront payment, we will gather in the general lounge area for a casual drop in and catch up after the march with attendees paying for their own food & drinks. We have done the sums and believe we will all be better off with this arrangement. We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.


Wednesday 8th May - VE Day (Victory in Europe) at Melbourne’s Shrine. We will have details of this service soon.


Don’t forget to check out our website for the latest articles, and please contact us with any questions about upcoming events.


Best Regards,


Greg Smith


Friends of the Odd Bods Association Inc. 

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