
Wednesday 24 April 2024

Odd Bod George V. Smith Remembered At Wesley College ANZAC Commemoration

Friends of the Odd Bods Association, along with association founder George V. Smith's family, contribute to an annual award for the best  essay about the ANZAC Spirit by a Wesley student.

This takes place at Wesley's ANZAC Commemoration service which was held today (24/4/2024) at the Glen Waverly Campus. Students from all levels attended the service, and helped contribute to the very special and respectful atmosphere that the school has become famous for.

George Smith's Grandson, Andrew Smith, presented the award to Pranavi Dharme, a year 9 student who receives a certificate of appreciation from FOTOBAI along with a $500 online book voucher.

Our lead photo shows various members of staff, and special guests, including the Mayor of Waverley, students and Friends Greg Smith, Bruce Waxman, and Gary Elliott.

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