
Wednesday 8 May 2024

Victory In Europe Day Is A Special Occasion In The Odd Bods Calendar

Wing Commander Mike Oram presents the address.

 VE Day is a special day in the Odd Bods calendar and 8th May 2024 was no exception.

In 1957 the Odd Bods conducted the first VE Day service at the Shrine. In later years the RSL took over the service, but when the RSL withdrew in 2019, the Friends of the Odd Bods eagerly took up the responsibility.

VE Day commemorates the day back in 1945 when the war was called to an end, veterans pulled down the blackout curtains, and dared to dream of getting back home to loved ones. It is another opportunity for us to commemorate their contribution to our way of life.

A commemoration service was held today in the Inner Sanctum of the Melbourne Shrine at 11:00am. FOTOBAI members attended with Secretary Peter Randell reading The Ode, and Wing Commander Mike Oram presenting the address.

Thanks to Bruce Waxman and Sue Bennett for sending in our photographs.

Peter Randell presents The Ode.
The wreath in place in the Sanctum


Bruce Waxman lays the wreath.

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