Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Supported Students in India - Latest Updates


Tug of War on the grounds of Raphael Centre Dehradun, Northern India

At the Ryder-Cheshire Raphael Centre in Dehradun, India, we provide financial support for four disabled students, and here are their latest updates.

Vashnavi Gupta

Ishant Rawat

Sarthak Beshwal

Ansh Negi – Resident 

10 years old Ansh lives in Gumkhal, Pauri Garhwal with his parents and a younger brother. His father works as a labourer, mother is a housewife and brother is in class 2nd in a mainstream school.

His initial assessment indicated that he has moderate autism . As per his educational assessment, Ansh’s mode of communication is verbal but has limited vocabulary. He is able to use the familiar objects. As he never went to a school earlier, there is lack of exposure in him.

He is presently in primary class where he is following the class curriculum .

The long term for Ansh is to train him in activities of daily living activities, preacademic skills, social and communication skills.

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