Sunday 18 February 2024

New Spitfire Movie - Shamrock Spitfire

Shamrock Spitfire tells the true story of Brendan “Paddy” Finucane, one of the most celebrated fighter pilots of World War II and the youngest Wing Commander in the history of the RAF. 

One of the characters in the movie is Australian ace fighter pilot, Keith William "Bluey" Truscott DFC & Bar. "Bluey" Truscott was a well known Australian Rules footballer (Melbourne Demons) when he joined the RAAF in 1940. He became the second-highest-scoring Australian World War II ace, credited with 20 confirmed victories and 5 unconfirmed victories. 

More information on "Bluey" Truscott here -

The movie is to be released early in 2024. Click below for the trailer.

Spitfire Beer Delivery??

Our intrepid correspondent from Selby in the UK, Bryan Wilcockson, has sent us this photo of a Spitfire carrying what appears to be beer barrels under the wings.

Bryan has sensibly steered clear of validating the photo, and given the internet's ability to mislead viewers, we can understand why. However, one website presented the following explanation -

"13th June 1944: An English brewery donates a sizable amount of fresh beer for the troops fighting in Normandy and a unique delivery method is created, strapping kegs to the underwings of Spitfires being shipped to forward airfields. Flying at 12,000 feet chills the brew to perfection."

Another article referred to syphoning beer from wooden kegs into long range metal fuel tanks designed for the Spitfire, and questioning how aviation fuel tainted beer would have been received by the troops.

Whatever the reality of events towards the end of WW2 we are inspired by the idea, and there is little doubt that battle weary troops would have appreciated a cold beer under any circumstances.


Wednesday 7 February 2024

Odd Bods Support Students at Raphael Centre, India

Friends of the Odd Bods currently support 4 students at the Raphael centre operated by the Ryder Cheshire Foundation in Dehradun, India. Raphael focusses on caring for people with leprosy, tuberculosis (TB), multi-drug resistant TB (MDR-TB) and physical, intellectual and learning difficulties. 

We also make special donations, and just last month contributed A$1500 for the purchase of a microscope at the Ryder Cheshire TB centre in Timor-Leste, and $500 to Legacy. These charity activities continue the good work set up by Odd Bod Veterans decades ago, and are only possible thanks to the contributions of our members.

Keeping up with student progress at Raphael is an important part of the Ryder Cheshire connection and following are the latest reports on our four students.

Friday 22 December 2023

Incoming Mail, Ryder Cheshire, Doug Parry, Lorna Fitch

Ryder Cheshire Donation
- our support for Ryder Cheshire's humanitarian work is well documented, and Christmas seemed an appropriate time for a special contribution.
We asked the organisation to identify a project we might be able to donate to. Thanks to a generous donation from one of our members we were able to increase this year's contribution to A$1500. 
Ryder Cheshire advised that Klibur Domin, their humanitarian venture in Timor Leste,  was in need of a new microscope for their TB lab, and A$1500 would  meet that need.
As we write, that donation is being organised along with a A$500 donation to Legacy. 

Doug Parry - Doug's passing back in May 2023 didn't escape the notice of one of his carers. Danny has left this note on our website - 

"Not sure if I fit into the category of
I helped look after Doug while he was residing at Lynden Aged Care, I always found Doug very good to sit n talk with, he was very knowledgeable n inspiring, Doug put with a lot n rarely complained, he was always a pleasure to be around,
I hope him n Mable are kicking back enjoying yourselves
Regards - Danny "

Odd Bod Ron Fitch's book, "Recollections – A Lancaster Bomber Crew 55 Years On" caught the attention of a book collector in the UK. This collector had read about Ron's book in the bibliography of another book, but couldn't track down a copy. A friend wrote to us asking if we could help. We contacted Ron's wife, Lorna Fitch, who will be remembered by members as a regular attendee at Odd Bod functions, and custodian of our Birthday Card program for many years. Lorna was able to provide a copy of Ron's book which was successfully mailed to the UK, much to the delight of the recipient.

Greg & Sue Smith recently enjoyed a visit to Lorna Fitch to collect a copy of Ron Fitch's book.


Tuesday 5 December 2023

Vale Norman Clarence (Norm) Dobbie


Norm Dobbie, Life Subscription Member of the Odd Bods, and former Committee Member has passed just short of his 100th Birthday.

Norm was a Navigator in 462 Squadron RAAF, specifically Halifax III, NA-240, Z5-V. He was born in Caulfield, enlisted on 29th December 1942 in Melbourne, and discharged on 29th August 1946. 

Norm was a Committee Member of the Odd Bods from 2001-2011, and along with Jack Elliott, a key organizer of the November Luncheon, later called the “Ladies Luncheon”.

Our condolences to Gai and family.


Anonymous5 December 2023 at 13:02

Lest we Forget🦘🇦🇺

Anonymous5 December 2023 at 19:18

Rest In Peace. Lest We Forget

Anonymous6 December 2023 at 09:16

Another brave airman gone but not forgotten, rest in peace Norm.

ANZAC March 2005

Norm Dobbie - Front Left

Thursday 23 November 2023

Odd Bod Bill Akers Remembered In Local Newspaper

Odd Bod Colin (Bill) Akers was the subject of an article in the South Gippsland Sentinel-Times newspaper for Remembrance Day 2023. It is an interesting story of WW2 aviator experiences.

Click here to be taken to the newspaper online, and then scroll to Page 25 for Bill's article.


Tuesday 21 November 2023

Maurie Smith's 100th Birthday Party


Odd Bod, Maurie Smith, turned 100 on 15/11/2023, and celebrated his birthday with family & friends on Sunday 19/11/2023. 

FOTOBAI committee members Bruce Waxman, Greg Smith, and Gary Elliott represented the Odd Bods and congratulated Maurie on his milestone.

Maurie asked us to pass on his best wishes to the whole Odd Bods family.

FOTOBAI President, Greg Smith, congratulates Maurie.

COMMENTS: (Including our Facebook page) 23/11/2023

Susanne Bennett
Congratulations Maurie on reaching such a special milestone. Hope you had a wonderful time celebrating with family and friends.

Robert Jackson
You are looking fit & well Maurie, Congratulations & belated Best Wishes on your 100th.

Elaine Crowle
My dad Colin (Bill) Akers would also have been 100 this year. I didn't really think there would be many if any of his peers still alive. Dad was a rear gunner and was acknowledged in the Wonthaggi Sentinel Times for Remembrance day this year.

Marion Conacher
Wonderful milestone. Congratulations

Sunday 12 November 2023

Odd Bod Turns 100

Odd Bod, Maurie Smith, will reach the special milestone of 100 years of age on 15th November 2023.

Maurie originally enlisted in Melbourne and started his war time service at the No1 Initial Training School Somers Course # 35and it is here that he met George Smith and Frank Sheenan. From there they went to Canada for the next stage of training at the No2 Wireless Air Gunner Course #66 in Calgary.

No.2 Wireless Air Gunner Course #66, Calgary, Canada. Maurie Smith is shown in the second row from the top, 5 in from the left. Next is George Smith and then Frank Sheenan.

Post the course he was drafted to the UK and arrived at the Padgate Reception Centre near Liverpool, before moving onto Brighton. He lost contact with George and Frank when he was assigned to a different Operational Training Unit, and it was in a hanger during the crew selection process that he ran in to Weston Bate, a long time friend from his school years, with neither realising that the other had joined up. Weston had trained as a pilot in Australia whist Maurie was in Canada.

VE Day at the Melbourne Shrine 2017. From left, Jack Bell, Doug Parry, Gerald McPherson, Weston Bate (Maurie's Skipper), Maurie Smith, and Frank Sims.

Weston being the skipper, was responsible for crew selection, and going against tradition, selected Maurie first (normally the Navigator was first pick) who would then go on to assist in selecting the rest of the crew. They stayed together for the rest of the war commencing on Wellingtons before being assigned to1654 HCU (Heavy Conversion Unit) on Lancasters. Together, they flew several “diversion” flights, distributed food to the Dutch and brought back POWs from across Europe.

"... back home"

Back home after the war, Maurie can remember being involved in meetings at his parent’s house with George Smith, Frank Sheenan, and others prior to the formation of the Odd Bods.

With the assistance of the Department of Veterans Affairs, Maurie gained entry to Melbourne University where he undertook a Commerce Degree. On completion he joined Colonial Mutual where he would stay for the rest of his paid working life. Starting in the Accounts Department, he progressed into the Investment department then into a newly formed Liquid Securities Department. He went on to head up the whole Department as the Chief Investment Manager and on leaving received a gold watch for 34 years plus of service and a letter of appreciation from the Board of Directors for his dedication and a job well done.

Moving into semi-retirement Maurie went onto doing the accounts and investments for several charitable organisations, most notably the Collier Charitable Fund and the Lily and Egon Weiss Foundation.

Maurie is currently number two on the MCCs (Melbourne Cricket Club) longest serving members list, having been signed up by his father when he was born and admitted as a junior member in 1934 when he was 11 years of age. The MCC is one of Australia’s oldest sporting clubs and one of the most sought-after sporting memberships in the world.

With the Odd Bods, Maurie has participated in ANZAC Day marches, ANZAC Day reunions, Wesley College events, and VE Day ceremonies, amongst others.

Maurie with fellow veterans at the 2018 ANZAC Day Reunion.

“Homeward Bound” is a series of articles written by Maurie and published on this website. (See link under Stories of Odd Bods in left margin)

"...highly respected Odd Bod"

The contribution of Odd Bods to the Australian way of life is well documented. Maurie Smith has been an important, and highly respected participant in much of our Association’s activities.  We wish Maurie a very happy 100th birthday, and congratulate him on achieving this very special milestone.

1. Maurie with Jack Bell & Doug Parry at Wesley College.   2. Maurie with Frank Sims and Jan Dimmick at VE Day service.

:Thank you to Gary Elliott for compiling this information.


Rosemaree Matta - "Congratulations and happy 100th"

Peter Smith - "Happy Birthday Maurie one of the world's true gentlemen thanks for being you."

Friday 10 November 2023

Remembrance Day 2023

For Odd Bods there is a special place where we observe Remembrance Day and that is the Repatriation Hospital in Heidelberg, Melbourne. An Odd Bods plaque is located in the memorial gardens of the hospital. 

One of the original Odd Bods banners was made at the Austin/Heidelberg Repatriation General Hospital by a seamstress in the hospital laundry. That banner served many good years at Odd Bods events including the Anzac Day March and is now on display in the hospital chapel. Links to Odd Bods co-founder and past Secretary, George Smith and past President, Walter Eacott ,can be found on the walls. 

FOTOBAI Committee Members Gary Elliott and Peter Randell stand in front of the Odd Bods banner at Heidelberg.

In our lead photo we show Peter Randell kneeling beside the Odd Bods plaque with a wreath. In front, and to the left is another plaque commemorating Odd Bod Joe Shuttleworth who passed in 2019. Joe was a rear gunner on Lancasters during the war, and a regular attendee at Odd Bods functions. And Joe had a strong connection with Heidelberg Hospital, being their Director of Administrative Services on his retirement.

An IBCC interview about Joe Shuttleworths war service can be found here -

Thank you to Gary Elliot for our photos of today's memorial service. More photos are shown below.


FOTOBAI Immediate Past President, Bruce Waxman, joined AnneMarie Hermans, Shadow Minister for Emergency Services, and Group Captain Annette Holian, RAAF Specialists Reserves, and Shrine Commissioner, at the Melbourne Shrine on Remembrance Day 2023.

Saturday 14 October 2023

Catapault Launching of WW2 Bombers

We might be familiar with catapault launching of fighter aircraft from aircraft carriers but what about launching WW2 bombers from the ground using a catapault?

Archeologists have uncovered the first aircraft catapult at the original site of the WW2 Harwell Airfield in Oxfordshire UK. The idea was to launch bomber aircraft from shorter runways and with heavier fuel loads.


A turntable directed the aircraft to the correct runway and a pneumatic ram powered by high pressure air launched it in to the air. Well, that was the idea, but mechanical problems meant that no aircraft was actually launched, and the project was abandoned. However the technology led to the development of Catapult Armed Merchant (CAM) ships, which launched Hawker Hurricanes at sea via rocket-propelled catapults.

More details can be found here -

Tuesday 3 October 2023

Incoming Mail - Lots of Aircraft Photos, Bruce Waxman Meets an Author, USAAF Photo Release.....

US Air Force Photos from WW2 - This year a large number of photos taken by the USAAF were released, giving a never before seen overhead view of parts of WW2 England. Students of WW2 aviation will find lots of period features on film and an interactive map of locations can be found by going to the following link -

Bruce Waxman Meets Author - Our Immediate Past-President was delighted to catch up with author Betty Matthews to discuss her book "Challenging Times" about the Number 7 Service Flying School at Deniliquin, NSW as Bruce researches details of his Father's war service.

Aviation History, Hawaii - Peter Randell was good enough to provide us with photos from his recent trip to Hawaii which is home to many WW2 aircraft. A feast for fans of old aircraft.

Aviation playing cards, featuring the Halifax and a Norden Bombsight.

Zero and Kittyhawk.

Mitchell B-25 and Douglas Dauntless.

USS Arizona remnant and Grumman Wildcat.

Tuesday 22 August 2023

Winner of our Photograph Competition

Congratulations to Margaret McNeill whose photo of her Father, A.J.McNeill, has won our photograph competition. 

Her Father is shown feeding pigeons in Trafalgar Square during WW2. Particular mention was made of the contrast between the relaxed environment depictedin the photo, and the contrast with the significant sacrifices made by our Odd Bods in WW2. 

McNeill served as a WAG in 90 Squadron RAF which flew Stirlings and later Lancasters up until the end of the war.

A big thank you to Margaret for sending us the photo, and of course to all those who sent us their photographs during the course of the competition. Your photographs will form part of an archive that features at our Annual Reunion on ANZAC Day. Margaret receives an Odd Bods enamel badge as her prize.

Tuesday 15 August 2023

Odd Bods Congratulate Raphael Student Asma

Friends of the Odd Bods continue the Odd Bods tradition of supporting disadvantaged young students at the Ryder-Cheshire Raphael Centre in Northern India. 

We have sponsored many students over the years and it is extremely gratifying when a student achieves independance after their schooling. 

One such student is Asma who recently withdrew from Raphael and receives a small government pension and a small income from her craft skills. Friends of the Odd Bods pass on their congratulations to Asma. Following is her last report from the school and some photographs from previous years.

Odd Bods Sponsored Students Update - Raphael, India

Ryder-Cheshire have sent us reports on the progress of the four students we sponsor at their Raphael Centre in Northern India.

Each have made good progress, and we are delighted to report that Asma has just recently been withdraw from the centre as she gains independance meaning she no longer requires support (see separate article). 

A replacement student will be advised in due course.